

July 2020


July Calls for Courage - and Delivers It!

July days are the longest of the year. Sunsets come late, giving you time to enjoy sitting outside in the evening hours, enjoying the cooling breezes as twilight stretches out into night. The cicadas, crickets, and other night peepers begin to sing their sleepy song and we slide into sharing stories and sipping cool beverages. The wonders of Nature are everywhere around you in Summer, from the emerald green grass to the bright white flower blossoms in your Moon garden.

The quarantine time of this pandemic prevents us from gathering with folks outside our immediate family, so we have an opportunity to make memories that will extend past this Great Pause. The Sun is in the sign of Cancer until mid-month, so you may feel a little emotional these days. Breathe deeply. Water your plants. Bake. Paint something plein air (while sitting outside).

Mercury is retrograde in Cancer, so you may find yourself a little sensitive to words. Turn off the news reports. Just because things you learn are considered to be "facts" doesn't mean they can take over your mind. Turn your attention to your own facts and focus on creating the second half of this unusual year.

The planet Venus has moved direct, and she is in Gemini - the sign of the twins - and you naturally want to be with others. Practice flirting with your significant other. Quarantined solo? Flirt with yourself by going out of your way to spoil yourself, even if it means simply brushing your hair 100 strokes. Get creative and get wild. Use old makeup to a draw pagan tattoo on your body where you can see it. Wink at yourself in the mirror when you see what you have done. Wear it proudly!

The final eclipse of the season happens on the 4th of July. The Moon in Capricorn activates material manifestation of shifting energy. You will have a heightened awareness of the influence others have on you, whether or not they are physically near or with you. Because the Moon's light is eclipsed, you will see things "in a different light." You may not like what you see, and thus would be wise to release what no longer serves. Give yourself the benefit of an Etch-a-Sketch do over. Shake things up. Erase what is. Say buh-bye and turn away from what was and towards where you intend to be. Remember, endings may be hard, but everything is cyclic. Every ending is attached to a new beginning. And the Wheel of Life keeps on turning…


Mars Comes Home to Aries

Mars delivers ACTION, helping you to find your inner power and go after what you desire. In its home sign of Aries, Mars delivers the fire that burns in your passion, purpose, and ambition. With all the retrograde and Eclipse activity lately, Mars in Aries will feel like a burst of inspiration, and you will feel motivated again. The drive to DO something may make you crazy when you're quarantined, but there is plenty to do no matter where you are. As Mars sails through Aries this month, the energy is nice and strong. Use it to make headway on your important projects.

As we slip into September however, Mars stations and, on September 9th, goes retrograde, all while stirring up some significant alignments with Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto. Consider that Mars is the son of Jupiter, who is brother to Pluto. Saturn is dad to Jupiter and Pluto and granddad to Mars! There are family power struggles happening here, as they have been since January! Everything that you are living this year has been the result of Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto mixing it up together. Adding Mars to this rumble is going to stir up even more dark, hidden stuff (read: sh!t) and lay it out in the Light of Day. It most likely will not be pretty, but it will be better out than in!

Here is how Mars in Aries may affect you between now and next January:

  • Increased motivation to get things done
  • Desire to take back control over your life
  • Finding the willpower needed to achieve goals
  • Taking action on passion projects
  • Need for strong, swift action
  • General feelings of restlessness and agitation
  • Feeling moody or quick to anger
  • Butting heads with someone or something
  • Missteps when rushing or doing something with haste
  • Hostility and combativeness
  • Discord and rising tensions in countries already experiencing unrest
  • Increase in careless accidents
  • Anger and resistance against rules and restrictions
  • Up and down energy levels
  • Overdoing it or feeling burnt out
  • More likely to do or say something you may regret later
  • More likely to take risks and act on impulses
  • Greater desire for independence
  • Egoic behavior
  • Increased feelings of confidence
  • Ability to overcome/ transcend fears
  • A desire to reclaim your power
  • A need to face your fears
  • Momentum forward

Mid-July the Sun moves into Leo. The star Sirius rises and the dog-days of Summer begin July 3rd, running to August 11th. This is when the Sun begins to FALL from the sky. Slowly but surely, the Sun drops back down towards the Southern Hemisphere. Its halfway point in September brings Mabon, the first day of Autumn. Yes, the year is slip-sliding away in this Great Pause. And that's OK. Let it be OK. When you resist what IS, you suffer. Look at the situation and think to yourself, "Hmmm. Interesting. I wonder how this will play out?" And then go to work planning precisely how you intend it to play out.

The heart of a lion is filled with courage, loyalty, and strength. Stay true to yourself through this trying time. When it passes - and this too SHALL pass - you will be proud to have used your magical powers of grace and gratitude so that you come through without regrets. There will be scars. There will be blood. But there will also be pride in the knowledge that you worked with others to survive the storm.


Gaia Suffers from an Infection of Humans

The Arctic and Siberia are burning. Temperatures have been over 100°F. The permafrost is melting, and so are the polar bears, wolves, and the Inuits! The Arctic is far from where you are, but it is on your planet. Gaia is a living being. She has a fever. Here are five things you can do to help Gaia chill out. They cost nothing and could save your life in the long run. At the very least, they could contribute to saving our planet.

1. Plogging

You don’t need to be a proficient runner to take up plogging, which gets its name from picking up litter and jogging. This idea originated in Sweden and is simple to both understand and take part in. All you need to do is go out for a gentle run and pick up any trash or litter you find discarded as you go along. There are plogging groups all over the world now, from New York to Manchester, where one group has decided it would rather walk to the pub and pick up litter on the way.

2. #trashtag

If, like the group in Manchester, you prefer to take life at a slower pace, but you still want to help clean up the neighborhood, the #trashtag challenge was created with you in mind. It’s a variation on the beach clean-ups that coastal communities have been organizing for several years. Groups of people come together to tackle litter and trash at specific sites. They then share their results – huge piles of bulging refuse sacks – on social media and encourage others to join in.

3. Strawkling

If you want to dive head first into an exercise regime that really helps the planet, this is the activity for you. In much the same way the word plogging comes from pickup and jogging, strawkling comes from snorkelling and straws. The brainchild of a group of Australian swimmers, divers and surfers, its aim is to get people out into the water collecting plastic waste – such as, but not exclusively, drinking straws. Since only 20% of plastic is routinely recycled, Gaia will give you a special blessing for strawklling!

4. Green gym

If snorkelling is out of the question, maybe trees are more your thing. Going to a green gym is all about maintaining urban green spaces. Public parks and woodland areas are an amenity that everyone can enjoy, but there aren’t always sufficient funds to keep them well maintained. You can bring your family and tools to clear brush back from walking paths, cut away deadwood, trim overgrown shrubs, and so on. You will have a direct and immediate impact on the environment, while getting a physical workout that benefits your body and Gaia's body too.

5. Just do it – go outside

Take your exercise routine outside. You don’t even have to pick up any litter, dive into the sea or chop back any trees. The simple act of not powering up an electric running or rowing machine, for example, can instantly help reduce your carbon footprint and bring down your impact on the environment. You’ll also get the benefits of fresh air and sunshine, no matter what weather Gaia throws out that day.


Mysteries Revealed:
Join me for lunch and I'll tell you a story…

Right now there are almost 8 billion people alive on our planet. This is more than ever before in recorded history. We are incarnating now as the Age of Aquarius dawns to right the wrongs we committed back in Atlantean times. We were completely out of control in how we treated the other kingdoms in Nature, as well as the Earth itself. Karmic debt has come due. Each of us must set things right by making better choices today.

Join me via Zoom on Fridays at noon Central. You enjoy your meal and I'll tell you stories about the creation of the cosmos. We are currently exploring the Cosmology in The Secret Doctrine, by Helena P. Blavatsky, looking at how our galaxy, solar system, and planet came into being. We are studying some of the oldest known wisdom on Earth and considering the time before time. There are no prerequisites to this learning. We meet for one hour, noon to 1PM Central, each week to explore the Mysteries. Each session is recorded in case you can't make it sometimes.

The Bible has parts of the story of Creation, as do the Torah and the Quran, but even Science can't tell you how the Universe, the Solar System, or our Earth evolved. They can theorize. One of the most informed minds of the nineteenth century shared incredibly ancient records that reveal more than we have ever been told by modern Science. These are not just "myths." They are documented history.

Join us and expand your understanding and appreciation of our world, our history, and our future. Register today at bit.ly/TKMysteries. Tuition: $60/month.


2020 Feng Shui Five Elements Workshops:
The Dance of the Celestial Animals


Circle Dance with the Golden Cicada will be presented on Sunday afternoon, July 12th, 1:30-3PM Central, with a focus on the creative energy of Earth. Explore Feng Shui cures to strengthen the Earth energy in every area of your environment, but especially the Earth energy guas of Marriage, Health, and Knowledge!

My Time Flow Keys Theory, which is included and explained in my Feng Shui & Moon Magic Planning Calendar, reveals that the time flow for July dances into the CARDINAL quality of Earth. Ground yourself and reconnect to your personal strength as you clear the static of constant stress. Thrill to the restoration of your personal power. Feel the confidence that comes from knowing you are supported because you support yourself!

Gather your crystals together to create your own gemstone mandala in a ring of solar fire. Travel virtually to a spectacular gem and mineral exhibit! This is the time of expansive and supportive Earth energy, gardens abundant with produce, vegetation in full growth mode.

Your springtime decor now shifts to Summer with the shift from pink to gold. Golden Cicada, that is. Change out your pansies and petunias for sunflowers. Listen to the singing of the insects and peepers and know that the Universe is celebrating life. Harvest all the support the Earth element offers you.

Join me live online via Zoom from wherever you are, Sunday, July 12th, from 1:30-3PM and join us for the Circle Dance with the Golden Cicada. The oldest dance of all, we mirror the cycles of Earth's seasons and harvest her bounty. Tuition: $30. Register today at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops

Register for both the Feng Shui Workshop Circle Dance with the Golden Cicada on July 12th and the Practical Magic Workshop on Celebrating Earth Magic of Lammas & Light of July 26th and save 10%. More details follow…


Feng Shui & Moon Magic
2021 Planning Calendar

I am already working on my Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2021 Planning Calendar.

2021 will be the year of the Earth Ox, so you can expect things to be a lot more stable. Support yourself with the information provided by this calendar and know how every day is influenced by the energy of the time. Know how your life is influenced by the planets and their rascally retrograde motions. Know the phases of the Moon so you can plan your activities to be supported, as well as the zodiac unfolding, the eclipses, and meteor showers.

Watch for the announcement of its publication this month!


The Practical Magic Workshop: Celebrating Earth Magic of Lammas & Light
will take you home, restore your connection to Nature, and relieve the constant Covid stress that plagues us all. Quarantined, but not quitting, we are called to celebrate the Sun's gifts of bounty and light. Bake your own bread to celebrate the First Harvest of Lammas and dress your candles with green to honor Lugh, the Celtic God of Light.

Join me via Zoom for the Practical Magic Workshop Celebrating Earth Magic of Lammas and Light and have a virtual adventure without breaking quarantine! You will need flour, sugar, milk, vinegar, baking soda, salt, and some uncooked oats to make the bread. You'll will need a candle that fits in a jar with some green things, such as green ribbon, leaves, bits of fabric or paper, to decorate for your Lughnasad candle.


Attend one workshop for $30 or both for $54. Register today for either or both at bit.ly/TKFSWorkshops or just the Practical Magic workshop at http://www.tomorrowskey.com/PracticalMagicWorkshops.html.

Can't make these dates? Order the video and PDF and enjoy the workshops at your own convenience.




Want More Feng Shui
& Moon Magic?

In 2019, to celebrate the ten years since the publishing of my book, I created brand new workshops for each of the Druid Tree Moons. This Summer I will be publishing all twelve in the HOW TO for blending natural Earth and lunar energies to promote success and well-being in all areas of your life. Watch for my upcoming announcement of the new Feng Shui & Moon Magic Handbook!

For more Feng Shui & Moon Magic fun, the original books are available on Amazon. Feng Shui & Moon Magic, the Complementary Compendium, and the Feng Shui & Moon Magic 2020 Planning Calendar. GREAT gifts for starting your magical life. Find them and all my books on Amazon - bit.ly/TrishaKeelBooks


Train This August!

While the pandemic rages on, we are discovering ways to serve our clients virtually. This August you can take Hands-On Training virtually. Registration will be required at least three weeks in advance in order to ship you the materials needed to perform transcendental cures, the notebook, and the I Ching Workbook, as well as other goodies that are a part of this training.

On Monday, August 10th at 9AM Central, we will begin your training. You step out as a professional Feng Shui Practitioner, performing the Feng Shui consultation for a live client. Whether you choose to be here in person or online, you will attend the consultation via a Zoom meeting presented on my MacBook Air. You will be able to see and hear everything that happens and you will be required to give input to the client, as well as participate in their transcendental cure. If you are attending virtually, you will have all the materials there to handle as we proceed.

After the consult, we will debrief during lunch back at my place. If you're live, bring a lunch. If you're virtual, same same. We will evaluate what went well for each participant as we discuss everything that occurred, your understanding of it, as well as your feelings about it.

Afternoons are spent in classroom learning, as well as watching a video. If you're virtual, you will have to make your own popcorn, but you will be able to watch the presentation via Zoom too.

Tuition for this training is still only $2000. The entire week is spent immersing you in a complete experience so that on Friday you walk away from the workshop as a Professional Feng Shui Practitioner. I am open to whatever financial arrangements you need to make, but tuition must be paid in full before the first day of class.

If August is too soon for your budget, there will be one more session this year December 7-11. In 2021, tuition prices will increase to $2499. Class sizes are kept small for your best learning experience. Only two live students and two virtual will be accepted.

Call 713-952-5429 today to make special arrangements of simply register online at https://www.tomorrowskey.com/ProfessionalFengShuiPractitionerTraining.html


Feng Shui Fun On The Run PRO Blog Free Sample:

Tai Chi Gold

The Center of the environment is the Health gua, also known as the Tai Chi. This is an Earth energy area, celebrating all the seasons and the bounty of Nature. Include a bowl of fresh produce here, as well as an indicator of time.

Including the golden colors such as mango, honey, or blondes will activate the sweetness of the Heart Chakra, as well as the Earth. Bring in the blooms or beauty from your surroundings, whether flowers, greenery, or even stones and showcase them in this area of your space. As above, so below has the corollary law of As without, So within, and both mirror each other. If you have beauty outside, you have it inside. If you have health on the inside, you have health on the outside.

The term “tai chi” or “taiji” is a Chinese cosmological concept for the flux of yin and yang. The seed of yang lives in the fullness of yin, and vice versa. Each flows constantly into the other. Day dawns at midnight, in the fullness of the night. Night falls at noon, in the fullness of the day. This in breath and out breath of energy is a constant flow of duality in life and all that is. When you align with the cycles of the seasons, your life is sweetly fulfilled. When you fight it, well, you fight it and lose the battle...every time.

“Tai” is usually translated as “great” or “supreme.” “Chi” can be translated as “ultimate.” Together the symbolic meaning of the tai chi has come to resonate with “Supreme Ultimate.”

The first use of the term Tai Chi came from the I Ching in a reference to the balance of yin and yang. However Tai Chi reveals its hidden meaning in its glyph to be “One Centered Person, Between Heaven and Earth, Standing like a Pine Tree, Using the Mouth and the Hands in a Balanced Fashion.”

By balancing the duality of Tai Chi in your body and mind, your actions reflect your consciousness. The balanced awareness that comes from practicing Tai Chi and staging a balanced Center gua in your environment creates “A Person Who is Able to be a Centered Person Between Heaven and Earth Who Knows How to Stand Tall, be Relaxed as a Pine Tree and Uses the Hand and the Mouth in a Balanced Fashion.” This leads to an alignment with health and well-being.

Intentionally align your life by activating the bounty of life in the heart of your home environment. Note the calendar and the clock, as well as the rooster to note the Light of Day and the passing of the seasons. The lush rich mango walls activate the sense of taste as well as an awareness that life is vibrant, not beige. Include art that shows the bounty and beauty of Nature, the jewel-toned colors of the cornucopia, and the sound of blessings in form. All shapes are defined by the vibrational resonance of the energy that creates them. When the energy fades, it is time to release and renew, whether flowers, foods, or patterns in life.


Want More Feng Shui Fun?

I use photos of places I visit or images I find online or in print to create teaching moments that share Feng Shui wisdom. I publish them every day of the year except Christmas. Know what you're walking into wherever you go when you subscribe to Feng Shui mini-lessons. Subscribers are now invited to email me their photos for free Feng Shui evaluations! Subscribe for only $15/month at http://bit.ly/Subscribe2FSFOTR.


Remembering Tiny Things (Excerpt)

Years ago, too many to count, there was a little shop in the Village that sold tiny ceramic figures. There were all sorts of animals - chickens, horses, cats, and dogs - and fantasy stuff too - fairies, gnomes, unicorns, and such. I can remember looking at them with wonder and awe at all their tiny and perfect details. I was, and still am, quite literally…charmed.

When I was even younger, my daddy built my sister and me a tiny kitchen. It is about five feet across and four feet tall. There are cabinets above a counter and in between there is a little mirror with a red curtain and white rick-rack to look like a window. There are two drawers, one on each side of the 9x13 cake pan that serves as the kitchen sink. And down below are three cupboard doors that open up to the large storage space. I still have this kitchen. I also have the chair and little trunk he also made me that Christmas. Later, he built all us girls a tiny house in the back yard where we played endlessly with the kitchen and our dolls. They were “just our size!” I was, and still am, quite literally…enchanted.

What IS it that creates the magic in the miniature? It is that age old law that says, “As above, so below.” This law explains why we are so entranced by the allure of the tiny. If we have a tiny thing that looks just like the real deal, then we have a “seed” of the real deal. We have a scintilla of the wonder without any of the responsibility. We can play, and when we get bored with it, we can put it down and go do something else. This is the best of all worlds.

When you have baby animals, you get a chance to hold them and smell them and play with them, and then you can give them back to their mamas to feed them and clean them and care for them. If the mama is lost, you must take on her role, or the babies will die. But if you have a toy, you can put it down and forget about it till you are ready to play with it again.

The charm of the thing is enhanced by details, but not too many. This is a key point to remember. It doesn’t matter how small it is. What matters is how much it is like the full sized thing it mirrors. And it doesn’t have to be a smaller reproduction in every way. The most important thing to include is the ability to use the imagination!

When my elder daughter was about two, she fell in love with her cousin’s “car.” It was beat up and missing all the accoutrements, but it rolled. She loved that car as much as – and maybe more than – she loved her first real car. Fisher Price Toys “get” it about the magic of the miniature. They give is Little People and all their places to be, the farm, the school bus, and all the places our imagination could create. The magic of their stuff isn’t in the detail, it is in staying out of the way of the imagination and letting the kids create. This is the secret to the magic of the card table fort. Kids are allowed to imagine. This is a powerful force that lets them create their future.

As soon as the details get too defining, the magic is muddied. You cannot imagine the astronaut to be the doctor. You could if he didn’t have the helmet and space insignia on his chest. Or you could if you were imagining a doctor on Mars. The limits constrain the magic.

When you are imagining, you must not get caught up in the details to the point of no longer being able to play because they just aren’t right for your vision.



For the rest of this lesson and information about Remembering the Magic of Tiny Things, order the workshop PDF, Bonus Materials, and audio. Available on my website series at bit.ly/PracticalMagicWorkshops for only $20. Buy any THREE and GET ONE FREE!


Nature of the Soul:
Is It Time to Answer Your "Soul Call"?

New Session Just Getting Started

In all times and places, each culture had their Mystery Schools and Traditions. These Esoteric Paths of Training reached beyond Morality and Philosophy to that Spiritual Alchemy which transformed the Spiritual Seeker into a Conscious Co-Creator, and empowered them to take up the work of Spiritual Evolution upon this Planet.

At long last, you will have answers to the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? How am I supposed to accomplish these things?

You will also learn true meditation. Meditation for service to humanity, as well as meditation that connects you to the Collective Consciousness in your waking state. This is not just listening to music or a pretty story and napping. This training prepares you for your ability to help the world, gives you the techniques with which to do that, and raises the frequencies of your body, your mind, and your life and affairs so that your next incarnation begins at a higher stage than where you are now.

The Nature of the Soul provides in-depth training through progressive techniques and practices which will unfold the Soul within the Personality, and which will allow that Soul to take up its Service within our World.

Although this training lasts about two years. You have been directing your own education since you were quite young. You won't stop, you know. The time will pass anyway, and there will never come a time when you feel you have learned everything there is to know. The student is encouraged to attend only as long as he or she is learning and growing, so there is no contract and you are free to leave at any time.

The techniques taught are a synthesis of Eastern and Western Mystery Tradition, but are especially designed for the Western Student. Subjects included in this training are Esoteric Anatomy, Planetary History, Rays and Initiations, Transmutation, Conscious Creativity, and Service - and much more.

We have just begun discussing the terms we will use in this training, so we are not too far along for you to begin this workshop. You are most welcome to join us in the unfolding of The Nature of the Soul. For more information or to register, please visit https://www.tomorrowskey.com/NatureOfTheSoul.html



Tomorrows Key 5223 Mimosa Drive Bellaire, Texas 77401 United States (713) 952-5429